Duo Keong Racun Sinta and Jojo | Video Keong Racun Kaskuser Duo. Since the Video 'Keong Racun'Sinta and Jojo the open top of YouTube, Facebook group raided Sinta and Jojo from his new fans. Starting from the 200 fans, the group now dipadati about 700 more fans.

Another Youtube, Facebook fan page already exists under the name of Sprott and Jojo Fan Club, with the number of fans nearly three thousand people. Sprott even more panic and explained that it is not her fan page is created. "So we're asking not to be renewed publicity about us especially well too in the blow-up privacy kitanya ga keganggu feel good, anyways this artist is not just idly looking for personal entertainment aja," wrote Sprott.

Video Sinta and Jojo - Keong Racun

Lirik Keong Racun
Dasar kau keong racun
Baru kenal eh ngajak tidur
Ngomong nggak sopan santun
Kau anggap aku ayam kampung
Kau rayu diriku
Kau goda diriku
Kau colek diriku
Eh ku takut sekali
tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Eh kau tak tahu malu
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Mulut kumat kemot
Matanya melotot
Lihat body semok
Pikiranmu jorok
Mentang-mentang kau kaya
Aku dianggap jablay
Dasar koboy kucai
Ngajak check-in dan santai
Sorry sorry sorry jack
Jangan remehkan aku
Sorry sorry sorry bang
Ku bukan cewek murahan
Info Lagu Keong Racun : Judul : Keong Racun/Penyanyi : Lissa/Album : Dangdut Techno/Label : Air Atudio
Video Sinta and Jojo - Keong Racun
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