But I know that Indonesia is going through a tough time at the moment, what with the
earthquake, tsunami, and Mt. Merapi erupting. I really pray that everyone there is ok, and I think everyone’s thoughts should go out to the people who have been affected by the disasters in any way.

Sound check was
pretty hectic and unorganized…actually, the whole festival was, but isn’t that what show business is all about? I mean, where do you think all the excitement comes from? Haha. But everything pulled together for the show. The festival was a success with hundreds of people showing up to watch the awesome performances and eat the wonderful Indonesian food that was offered.

And….I think….people liked
MY performance. Haha. I noticed a lot of people stopped to watch my act, probably because it was…different. Usually,
the Indo Day Festival has cultural dances and
Indonesian songs and whatnot. Well, my performance was more like a concert. I sang pop songs and I had dancers and…I’m young. I brought in a lot of kids, I think. Haha. My favorite part of my performance was when I sang When I’m 18 (the last song) because people were going crazy for the “Meeghan” t-shirts being thrown out into the audience. It was awesome.

Oh! I almost forgot! I have a show coming up in Union Square in San Francisco. It’s gonna be so exciting! It’s Indo Day on July 31, and since I’m Indonesian, I was invited to perform up there. I’m pretty excited! I’ve been working hard with my dancers, trying to perfect our routines, and I hope that everyone will see that. In addition to being Indo Day, did you hear that it’s officially National Dance Day?! What?! That’s so cool! Hahaha. Watch, me and my dancers just be dancing on the streets and people will be going, “Huh?!” This is gonna be great. Maybe I’ll see some of you there? It’d be awesome!

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