News phenomenal this time coming from the circulation Aida Zaskia sexy photo that was in the shower but not naked you know. Dangdut singer who is having problems with this MZ KH.Zainudin again struck a new problem with the circulation of hot photos of herself. But Aida Zaskia reportedly will hunt down the perpetrators spreader that her sexy pictures. Aida Saskia dangdut singer again make a scene. After the indulgence in case selingkuhnya with Zainuddin MZ. This time the photo section is Aida Saskia widely on the Internet.

In fact, Alam asked, "Is Aida Saskia naked bath?" Then he continued, "If she's bathing in the pool right mediocre. That's fair."Alam said that yesterday, at around 15.00 pm he was met by Aida Saskia in TBI, Brass. During the meeting, Aida Saskia did not talk about the circulation of her picture on the internet with a pose in the shower.Until now, Alam could not do anything about it because Aida has not given details about it. "I do not know that. Aida is also not a story," he said.

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