Model Name : Fifie Buntaran
Place / date of birth : Pontianak, 4 October 1979
Height / weight : 170 cm / 50 kg
Occupation : Model
Education : London School of Public Relation
Hobby : Fitness, Cooking, Shopping, ReadingSuper-successful people have a problem of trust. Here are a couple of confidence qoute feel a little better about your situation .

Fifie Buntaran known as star sinetron and wide sail film. besides name fifie also come up in laughter situation comedy programme sutra with pepi, fanny fadi and ade namnung. As star sinetron, artist births pontianak, 4 octobers 1979 that is ever headline sinetron 3 star girls and memanakah love. character fifie dominant meng-explore the body beauty side. Before enter acting world fifie a model catwalk, from penggalama that also that make fifie berbisnis clothes with establish a boutique.
Barbara Streisand has a period of time (after it had become a great success in music and movies), where he was absolutely terrified to go on stage. Barbara has been a problem of trust. It took all the courage she could make a return if performance is not alone!

Place / date of birth : Pontianak, 4 October 1979
Height / weight : 170 cm / 50 kg
Occupation : Model
Education : London School of Public Relation
Hobby : Fitness, Cooking, Shopping, ReadingSuper-successful people have a problem of trust. Here are a couple of confidence qoute feel a little better about your situation .

Fifie Buntaran known as star sinetron and wide sail film. besides name fifie also come up in laughter situation comedy programme sutra with pepi, fanny fadi and ade namnung. As star sinetron, artist births pontianak, 4 octobers 1979 that is ever headline sinetron 3 star girls and memanakah love. character fifie dominant meng-explore the body beauty side. Before enter acting world fifie a model catwalk, from penggalama that also that make fifie berbisnis clothes with establish a boutique.
Barbara Streisand has a period of time (after it had become a great success in music and movies), where he was absolutely terrified to go on stage. Barbara has been a problem of trust. It took all the courage she could make a return if performance is not alone!

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