Tika putri hot picture, she look so sexy wearing bikini. Tika Putri Hastari or best known nicknamed Tika Putri started his career in film started with a friend's invitation to attend the casting.The art world seem familiar to women born Bandung, 1 November 1989, since a child's world to cultivate the art of dance. When an expert in modern dance and salsa.
Although a newcomer, Tika has starred in several feature films such as, WOMEN BERKALUNG turban, Are You Really, OH .. MY GOD and SI JAGO MERAH. Besides movies, Tika also serves on the soap operas and TV shows Yasmin COFFEE BEAN SHOW. His latest film, QUEEN BEE begin running in May 2009.

Although a newcomer, Tika has starred in several feature films such as, WOMEN BERKALUNG turban, Are You Really, OH .. MY GOD and SI JAGO MERAH. Besides movies, Tika also serves on the soap operas and TV shows Yasmin COFFEE BEAN SHOW. His latest film, QUEEN BEE begin running in May 2009.

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